Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The brain (causing meningitis) and middle ear ...

Pneumococcal pneumonia

- as a result of the disease with pneumococcus bacteria, which are usually present in the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses. Scientists do not know what processes occur in the body that allow access from S. pneumonia >> << causing infection in their native environment. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a serious respiratory disease that can penetrate

and spread to the brain (causing meningitis) and middle ear (causing otitis media). Pneumococcal pneumonia can also cause, lifethreatening disease commonly a bacterial infection that involves multiple body systems. Symptoms begin suddenly and usually heavy. They include

sotryasayuschyy chills right after the sudden shortness of breath () and diagnostic path includes a chest x-ray and liquid or tests to determine the presence of S. pneumonia. Because the symptoms of strattera online severe and high risk of complications, doctors usually start with immediate treatment. Symptoms are much better for the first 24 hours of treatment further confirm the diagnosis. Penicillin antibiotic of first choice for treatment, although about 25 percent of S. pneumococcal now resistant to it. Most strains are sensitive to other antibiotics drugs. Antibiotic of last resort is vancomycin, which doctors are leaving for pneumonia, which is not treatable with antibiotics. With appropriate antibiotic therapy, many people fully recover from pneumococcal pneumonia, although it is very important to complete a full course of antibiotic treatment, even after symptoms have disappeared. Pneumococcal pneumonia can be fatal. People at highest risk of pneumococcal pneumonia is very young, very old and those who. Pneumococcal vaccine is administered each year, can prevent S. pneumonia infection. See also;, prevention. .

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